Friday, April 11, 2008


Pulling courage and even coverage from stored-up graces,
Crushing in disgust at all these unrelated places,
But now things suddenly seem more connected,
And just like they do, my other self becomes disbanded.
All have fallen, but I see them wearing stilts,
Me, forgetting laws of gravity and principles of balance,
Rolling off the back of parables citing the then talents,
They intend the science, so wait ten years and you’ll understand meh distance,
I can’t walk a road that pelting rocks aimed at meh conscience.
In parlance, I swore that we all sought for a divine perfection,
Finding mehself trapped in a den with ten hundred thousand demons,
And even if I make the mistake of meh life to look to one of these,
I make a promise to mehself that I won’t, and I pray that on bended knees,
I think that I now know exactly where meh place is,
Sanctification, away from these, they all have this character-sameness,
At this stage,
I don’t want a part of this anymore.

-Arielle John

copyright 2008

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