Buljol and boil corn for dinner tonight. There is something here that excites me about living. I have gotten way past the prospect of fast food, and I am well-attracted to the idea of becoming vegetarian again. I will prepare my own meals, so I can control and moderate what I eat now, without having to worry. As soon as I settle well enough, the school gym will find me regular. I miss my bike...don't think I could be on the road with these drivers though. things get a lil crazy.
The exam was a labour of its own, but I survived it.results would give my mixed feelings some direction. I'm becoming a lil impatient for school to begin. I have just over a month before it does, but...iono...maybe they will give me stuff to do to occupy my time in the interim.
Brooklyn is Trinidad, but for taller buildings, bigger side-walks, and lack of roadside doubles vendors, and is the epitome of Caribbean integration. There are jamaican restaurants that sometimes double as movado-blasting weed rooms, latinos who always sound like they being aggressive or angry over something, women standing in the street asking about where to get good bargains in their Haitian Creole, usually the loudest thing u can hear, Bajan store clerks in payless, Nigerians asking if you need a taxi, and a petit-blanc french man trying to hustle you to buy his watches. you ask him if they are for free, and he walks off on you.
People in Grande leave their houses better dressed than they do here. There is a general sense of "nothing here to see here" kind of living.I have seen no women in work suits here, like we have at home. every day is dressed down. Brooklyn is brick-red. there is colour and energy, korean-owned side-walk market that sell Chief products, apple J and chubby soft drinks.
The men here are different. The trick is that if you catch them watching you when you see them, is that you look away as early as is possible. they don't give the same chat as trini men do (something to smile about), but you better pray he's not talking to a friend, else he will make sure that you over-hear his conversation that is co-incidentally about you.
There is something about here that makes a bigger void of him not being here yet. Air expands and fills spaces. My life gets bigger, the space gets bigger. we don't love in a vacum though. all has it's time, and placing, and God knows that better than we do.
Moving tomorrow, both dread and excitement.
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